Monday, October 3, 2016

Day 3: I Will Stand At My Watch

Have you ever noticed that sometimes the very thing that is causing you so much trouble is the very thing that is meant to be a blessing?

Maybe that blessing is meant to be shared with another.

But how can we share unless we listen to see

WHO is the one God has in mind for the sharing?

All along this journey with chronic illness, I have heard the Lord asking me to be transparent with what I am feeling.  But I think that transparency comes about in layers.  

Sometimes we wear a coat that shows only a little something of our selves, and other times we wear a sweater that reveals a deeper impression.
But then there are times that we open up to let someone see the true heart of our inner selves. 

I had known that my neighbor suffered with Rheumatoid Arthritis also.  I had shared swift words with her as we passed in the street, coming and going in the dailies of life.  I had even crossed paths with her one day at the Doctor's Clinic.  But the time for talking deep seemed to evade us.  I prayed that God would open doors: I needed to hear the words of a fellow-traveler, especially with someone who had been on this road longer than I.  

My longing to speak with her grew over the months that followed, and I began to ask the Lord to help me to listen for the call to seek her out, as I realized we would need more than a simple "Hello, how are you?" to cross the street of our hurting.  And I was not surprised, then, when I heard His whisper, "Now! This is the time!" on a recent Saturday, when our men were working together on a building project. 

But I was not expecting the need in her heart to match the need in my own.  

We talked of symptoms, and Doctors, and medications, and weariness.  And suddenly she began to weep:  "There are days when I have felt like such a wimp, and such a failure."  And it was then that I listened truly to the cry of my sister, who was walking in trouble, and didn't know that someone else could feel the same way.  I shared words of encouragement with her, and I shared my own struggles also. But the biggest gift came from the hug as we said goodbye.  

Because sometimes, the very thing that is causing so much trouble is meant to become a blessing when we share it with another.

Is there something that God would have you share? Or someone that He would have you listen to, with open ears?

"How oft a gleam of glory sent
Straight through the deepest, darkest night,
Has filled the soul with heavenly light,
With holy peace and sweet content."

Today is Day 3 of #31Days of Listening with Chronic Illness
for the #Write31Days Challenge 
I am honored to have you journey with me as we learn new ways to 



  1. Bettie, it's wonderful to hear how your diligent listening led to your sister in suffering being able to open up to you in the way she did. How well attuned your inner antennae have become in hearing holy whispers, and what a blessing it is when your patient waiting yields fruit for others! I love what you say here: "Because sometimes, the very thing that is causing so much trouble is meant to become a blessing when we share it with another." So true, my friend, so true. We may not be many days into the listening you intend to do, but you are already revealing how vital it is to be sensitive to Holy Spirit's inner promptings. I'm blessed every time I read your words. Thank you! xox

    1. Thank you Joy, for your encouraging, kind words. I am grateful when the Lord helps me to hear what He is saying. I so often am slow to respond! I want to learn to be JOY-FUL and swift in my obedience. So glad we are here, together, following His leading! xoxo

  2. I have seen many blessings given through my journey with chronic pain. Compassion for others being one of the big ones.

    1. Oh, yes, we are blessed by the compassion that He grows in us aren't we? Thank you for understanding the journey we travel with chronic pain! Blessings!

  3. I have seen many blessings given through my journey with chronic pain. Compassion for others being one of the big ones.

  4. This brought tears to my eyes, Bettie. This especially touched my heart - "Because sometimes, the very thing that is causing so much trouble is meant to become a blessing when we share it with another." Such a deep truth but not always easy to do. What a beautiful blessing God gave to you and your neighbor because you listened to God's whisper. I have been reading your listening posts so far, but I'm not able to keep up with commenting to each one. Know your thoughts always bless me and you're in my prayers. Blessings and hugs to you!

    1. Trudy,I am so thankful that you were blessed with these words--your encouragement means so much to me. Because, yes, it's still so hard for me to share some days, when the weariness or pain is heavy. It seems almost too hard to even listen on those days. But I am thankful that the Lord continues to nudge us ever closer to Him. Thank you for coming along on this journey!! --Hugs and Blessings my friend!


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