Wednesday, March 9, 2016

stripping away the old.

All the right words to be passed at the table during this Spring-Cleaning-Time-Of-Year.
And, wow, was I on it!  I may not have had the energy or strength to strip the paint, but I sure cleaned out the old notebooks left over from Homeschooling Days!  (It's been a decade since the youngest graduated.  I think it's time to remove the final binder from my closet shelf!)

I am not so sure I want those Spring-Cleaning-Tasks applied to my heart.
At least not when I really allow the stripping away of the old to go all the way
to the deep-down places of my
But I want to be HEALED.  I want to find that REMISSION word.  I want my HEART to be at Rest.
Scripture tells me that Jesus was "wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities,
Surely He bore our sorrows, and by His stripes we are healed."
There can be no healing unless a wounding has happened first.
I am here, in this place of being purged,
And feeling my wounds, like never before--

Do you know the feeling?

I will go this week to sit with a  much-loved Counselor.  And I know I will see more shuffling, more re-organizing, and  more uncovering of my own woundedness.  But even there, the full healing won't be won by the words that we break open.....
No, I am only too full of those transgressions that never end.  I am only too full of my own iniquities. And I am only too full of new bruises and wounds that explode every day.  It would never end --
Except that--
Jesus was wounded. And Jesus was bruised.  And Jesus bore it all so that He could bring my healing.
My healing.
Your healing.
He purges and He cleanses and His Words tear down my Walls
And then He climbs right into my Soul.
All the other cleaning?  It's necessary, for sure.  But it's only part of the process.
The process that's meant to show me how He covers me with HIS heart
That already won the full.
Full Hearted Healing.

I'm linking up with the Faith Barista for her #OneWordLent series, and my oneword this week is "Wounded"

 OneWordCoffee Linkup


  1. Since you came to visit at my place... thought I'd drop by to yours. We all have wounds of some sort. The common ground - we all have Jesus whose wounds were taken on for each of us so that ours would heal. Thank you for reminding me of that today!

    1. Thanks for visiting! I am glad that we can cheer each other on as we follow after Him. I hope you'll stop by again; I am eager to hear more about your races!

  2. Thanks for visiting my place. I love your words. Yes, it is process. I wish they would all just go away, these wounds, but they won't. They are reminders of what Christ did for us.

    1. Yes, that is so true. Some days its easy to get lost in the difficulty facing me, but I don't ever want to forget the Grace that covers me because of Jesus! Thanks for visiting here too!


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